Rebecca Black is so 2 weeks ago! There’s a new YouTube sensation that’s taken over the web, and it features 2 boys who can’t even pronounce a word yet!
Last week a video of twin boys having an adorable conversation together took YouTube by storm. It started off with the boys parents first adding it to YouTube to show their family and then escalated from there!
It’s amazing how fast a video on YouTube can become popular! With 14,138,780 views and counting, these boys have become famous! Late night talk shows have shown clips and people are sharing the video left and right.
Not only is YouTube a great way to become famous over night, but it can also help to spread an important message. It might be useful for the government to look into using YouTube in times of crisis. A video on YouTube might become viral quicker than if the president where to send a message out on TV! That’s crazy to think about.
These twins are famous, and they don’t even know it! Now if only we knew exactly what these two adorable babies were talking about!
See for yourself.
The baffling part for me is not that the girl, Rebecca Black made a song that is not quality. But that people put up the funding to manage and market a song that is such poor quality. I will fund babies conversing over bad music any day. In regards to presidents, that day is shortly coming, where presidents will speak to the mass audience through Youtube, not Tv. Until that day!